Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birth is . . .

Birth is ancient
Birth is powerful
Birth is spiritual
Birth is variable
Birth is at its best when unhindered
Birth is a natural, normal physiological event for a woman
Birth is a transformative event that allows a woman to open up completely to the power of the universe in body, mind and spirit / physically, intellectually, emotionally
Birth is a lesson in surrender
Birth is a lesson in being present in the moment
Birth is primal and instinctual, not intellectual

Birth teaches us how to be mothers. Birth requires presence, patience, space, at times determination, decisions (sometimes in opposition to societal conventions) and the strength to make those decisions. Sometimes birth requires us to make choices we didn’t expect to have to make - learning to adapt to ever changing and sometimes quickly changing circumstances is one of the great lessons of birth.

Birth is sacred and biological. It allows us the opportunity to realize what it’s like to live within our instincts, in our primal brain, rather than living within our intellect. It requires us, for its ease, to feel safe and secure and to seek those qualities out for our children. Birth allows us a chance to touch creation, to go deep within the Source of Universal power and come out wiser for it. Birth allows us to open our minds and spirits to the wisdom of the universe, beyond current rational human though patterns and gain perspectives we were previously unaware of.

Birth, no matter the means or the outcome, transforms us. Once a woman has birthed her baby, she will never look at the world in exactly the same way.

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